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Put our expertise to work for you. At TRUSTED PROS OTTAWA, we are proud to have received the following recognition for our contributions to the ottawa community.
"A job well done... Top-rate"

"Best in class! "
"Voted the number one in the area"

News and Reviews for TRUSTED PROS OTTAWA
Enviropure Provides Health Canada Approved COVID-19 Disinfection Cleaning Enviropure Home Services will remain open throughout this lockdown, offering COVID-19 disinfection in addition to our regular cleaning services. During this global pandemic situation we are also taking additional steps to help keep everyone safe. Some of our additional measures include: Daily health screenings for all staff, prior to entering our clients’ homes. Certified equipment decontamination, completed in a special facility, at the end of each day and sanitizing of equipment before and after each use during the day. Staff are required to follow Health Canada’s directive of regular, 20- second hand-washing and sanitizing, during home visits, after home visits and prior to entering our clients homes or our offices. Additional applications of Health Canada registered, authentically botanical, sanitizer/disinfectant to all “high-contact” surfaces (ie. light switches, door-knobs, railings, etc.) This step is provided at no extra cost to our valued clients. To find out more about the steps we are taking to protect your family and our staff during this time, please call 613-513-PURE (7873). We look forward to providing you the best and safest cleaning and disinfection service money can buy! Don’t just clean your home, Enviropure it! Learn More About The Novel Coronavirus and COVID-19